
Optimize Your Packaging

Don’t sink your own ship! Retail is a competitive world, and your product needs to stand out and draw customers in. It’s important to collaborate with experts and choose a design that gives the right professional impression while still being special enough to deserve the attention of your buyer. The right packaging will not only increase sales from the get-go, but increase your chances of selling your product in leading retail stores. These stores care deeply about the standard of the packaging they will display, as appealing packaging not only reflects well on the store but will increase their overall sales.

Forefront has your back. Make sure you aren’t making one of these huge packaging DON’Ts:

  1. Overcomplicated

Put yourself in the consumer’s shoes for a minute. They have busy lives and are squeezing in the shopping- they simply don’t have time to waste reading small print, trying to decipher what the product is all about. If it takes too long, they will look for something different to make a quick decision. Your best bet is to have a clear, concise design that communicates the quality they will find in your product within. Poor packaging screams “I don’t care!” Attractive design ensures you care about quality.

  1. Too Generic

While we don’t want to overwhelm the buyer’s eyes, we equally don’t want them to chuckle at a label with free Clip Art or worse- Comic Sans font! Don’t let your product be the laughingstock of the shelf. If you believe a professional design will cut deeply into your profits, I am here to tell you that the opposite is true. Your packaging is an investment and has the potential to keep customers coming back for your product for years to come.

  1. Poorly sized

Be efficient and realistic- bigger is not better! A bulky design could cost you valuable shelf space and even worse, could even be detrimental to your sales. Customers expect the packaging design of your items to offer protection, convenience to transport and store, and they will appreciate it even more if it helps them consume the product with ease. This factor alone can help potential customers understand how much you consider their experience in your packaging design. Every day, our team is researching the latest and greatest in sustainable, functional, top-of-the line packaging.

  1. Sends the wrong signal

Everyone remembers buying something that looked too-good-to-be-true on the outside, and the contents sorely disappointed. When selling consumable products, you should strive to make a connection between the design on the package and the taste of the product. A good packaging design should satisfy the customer’s craving and make them feel emotional enough to want to buy your product. If the packaging makes the customer crave what’s inside, chance are they will make an impulse purchase!

  1. Bad Images

Good use of images is another key to effective packaging design. A picture tells a thousand words and it is optimal to utilize the space effectively. You could use a thousand words or more, but why would you, when one image will do the job? When I have accompanied our account manager on research trips to the grocery store, we laugh at products that are just literally a photo of the product. It is shockingly unappetizing, and the last thing you want is to leave a bad taste in the mouth of the very people you want to attract.


As with any type of sales, it is critical to build relationship based on trust- both in your company and in your product, and your packaging is the best way to achieve this. Who is helping you ensure your packaging has the right effect on your potential customers?