
Optimize Your Packaging

New Yuengling Cans Provide Immersive Experience

New Yuengling Cans Provide Immersive Experience

It’s always exciting to see packaging trends we’ve blogged about previously hitting the mainstream. While celebrity endorsements are nothing new, utilizing technology to bring packaging to life and provide an interactive experience for consumers is becoming...
Holiday Design That Resonates

Holiday Design That Resonates

After a long hiatus, Crystal’s Hat Tip to Great Packaging Design is back! (Yes, I am tired of dodging the slew of phone calls and emails begging me for my thoughts; the people have spoken.) This 2023 holiday brand partnership is terrific for its impact on hungry...
Predicting Packaging Design

Predicting Packaging Design

How can we predict the future of packaging design? Tea leaves? Magic? If you consider science to be magic, then yes. By analyzing emerging technology, global packaging trends, and market projections, we can get a pretty good glimpse into what the packaging industry...