
Optimize Your Packaging

This blog isn’t funny- because skyrocketing resin pricing isn’t a laughing matter and the solution that we offer is a serious one.

Managing a business in an uncertain world means you need consistency when it counts, and it really counts when it applies to getting your product at a reasonable price. Brand owners working with polymer are all too familiar with the regular price increases of resin this year. What they may not be familiar with is our Contract Resin Pricing- and why our customers who take advantage of it have a ridiculous advantage over their competition. It would behoove you to be one of them.

Most packaging manufactures are beholden to the resin market and must move their prices up or down with the market, as you no doubt have experienced this year. ForeFront is different. We work with many of the largest food manufacturers in the country and with their combined volume we can create custom contracts so that they can lock in at a price and length of time that makes sense for them. We have saved our customers millions of dollars when unforeseen disasters strike.

Hurricane Katrina impacted resin pricing in 2005 by 22.5%. The recent Hurricane Ida has left multiple refineries without power, which could further impact pricing this year.  As I wrote in an earlier blog, resin has already gone up this year due to the freak, unforeseen circumstances of the polar vortex, Suez Canal blockage, and the global pandemic. FPC President Laura Boucher said, “The worldwide resin shortage has resulted in many companies declaring Force Majeure.  The magnitude of multiple increases in such a short time was unexpected and understandably that it is disruptive to business.”

Don’t let a natural disaster be the perfect storm that sinks your business. Contact us today for a no-obligation conversation about how ForeFront can protect your business.