
Optimize Your Packaging

When I stumbled across this new product from Two Good Yogurt, it combined so many of my favorite things that I knew it had to be the next blog. Sustainable? Check. Healthy? Check? Good packaging? Check. Pumpkin-flavored?! Double-check! Who knew that pumpkins needed rescuing? Two Good partnered with Full Harvest, a produce-rescuing start up that helps them source the produce used to make GOOD SAVE yogurt. Produce is not only rescued, it can be Verified Rescued through their program- cue the ooh, ahh! Fittingly, “Less Waste, More Goodness,” is their slogan.

Two Good yogurt has an amazing program to give food back to needy communities. For every Two Good yogurt you buy, the company donates the same amount of food to people who need it the most. That’s a mission I can get behind! In addition to being a company with a kind vision for the planet, they also have winning packaging. The pumpkin graphic on the front is artistic, which gives the product that down-to-earth look that matches their brand. The pumpkin yogurt has a bright orange lid that pops against the white cup, and information about their pumpkin rescue is printed right on the foil for maximum visibility and awareness.

Did you know that an estimated third of edible produce is wasted at the farm level? That means 30-40% of America’s food supply goes to waste! As an Imperfect Produce member, this was already a cause close to me. It breaks my heart that perfectly good food wastes away in a landfill when hunger is a huge but little-discussed issue in our country. Rotting food generates greenhouse gas emissions which in turn contribute to climate change. It’s a crying shame, is what it is, so I’m thrilled that Two Good is on a mission to save the planet and make healthy breakfast options at the same time.

After Halloween, over one billion pumpkins end up in landfills here each year. Scary indeed! Full Harvest saves fruit and vegetables that would otherwise go to waste. If you have a sad-looking Jack O’Lantern sagging on your stoop, don’t toss him in the trash! It’s recommended that you compost your pumpkins after use or go break them in the forest for deer and other critters to enjoy. Smashing pumpkins has never been so satisfying!

Support brands that support your values! Learn more about Two Good Good Save Yogurts here: 
