
Optimize Your Packaging

Our sales rep Michele is a peach of a human being who grows peaches, plums, and nectarines. She is a bubbly force of nature, always keeping her schedule packed with projects, cooking, and Orange Theory Fitness. Michele is a great multitasker even though she’s so busy in Georgia. We chat a couple of hours a week, and she never forgets any details! Inspired by the way she embraces wellness, I started to shift toward healthier habits last year, and she often checks in with ideas and encouragement. Michele loves her salads, and while she was preparing one the other day, she giggled at this NatureSweet Cherub tomato packaging and texted me a couple photos. I also like this packaging and wanted to blog about it, but I couldn’t do so without an intro acknowledging Michele first.

NatureSweet is making the most out of this small film lid for their salad tomatoes by using great colors and imagery while showcasing their brand personality a bit as well. The bright yellow and red colors grab the eye and make you hungry, and the tomato angel pops out front and center. The choice to add a tomato with wings and halo is goofy, as is their choice to personify their tomatoes. “Peel here to LETTUCE out!” “Wash me. Please don’t refrigerate. It’s too cold in there!” The directives to use the product are both informational and comical. They wrote this as if these words are coming from the cherub tomatoes themselves, which to me is brilliant, frankly.

There is also brilliance on the back of the film, where you can find a photo of maintenance staff member Paco Herrera and a QR code to learn more about him. This is a perfect example of engaging customers to connect to the brand, covered in our blog about making packaging interactive. NatureSweet also chose to feature a maintenance team member, demonstrating that the company believes every employee, especially those behind the scenes, should be acknowledged and appreciated equally.

Take a leaf out of NatureSweet’s book and add personality and engagement features to your food packaging. If you’re not sure how, give us a call. If you’re wondering how we can help you add new tech to your current line- or what the best type of pie is to bake for your neighbors- you should call Michele. Like I said at the beginning, Michele is a joy to speak with, an absolute peach! 

Here are the photos Michele sent me: